Apr 30: Called Forth to Grow and to Serve

Modern Mosaic: Vision Telling Paul to Come Over to Macedonia
Veroia (ancient Berea), Greece
Saturday of the Fifth Week of Easter
Reading I: Acts 16:1-10
During the night Paul had a vision: there stood a man of Macedonia pleading with him and saying, “Come over to Macedonia and help us (NRSV, Act 14:9).”
Father, in every situation in which we as human beings find ourselves, if we are sensitive to your one Word spoken to us, we realize that you are calling us forth, out of the limitations of the present moment, to grow in your life.
Abraham sensed himself called to leave his home in Mesopotamia in search of you. The Israelites were called out of slavery in Egypt. Paul was called forth continually to preach your gospel to all peoples.
Father, make us sensitive to the inevitable inadequacy of our present situation that we may be always ready to respond to your call to move forward from where we are, to let go of our past, indeed our sins and our selfishness, to grow in your life and to give ourselves ever more fully to the service of our sisters and brothers.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.