Apr 27: The Vine and the Branches

The Vine and Branches
Beit Jala Latin Seminary, Jerusalem
Memorial of Saint Asicus, bishop
Gospel: Jn 15:1-8
“I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit (NRSV, Jn 15:5a).”
Father, there is only one life that you offer to share with all humanity. When we say “yes” in faith to the challenge of the Word, a “yes” always uttered in the power of the Holy Spirit, we become partakers of that one divine life. All become one with you, Father, through the Word, now made flesh in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Without a share in your life, Father, there is not one good thing that we can do. Love has its foundation in grace. With you, Father, all things are possible to us.
Christ is the vine and we are the branches. Through him may your life, Father, flow through us, and in and out among us, who are all one in you.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen
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