Apr 20: Ever Present Through the Word

Icon of Sofronov: Christ Pantocrator
Monastère de Chevetogne, Belgium
Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Easter
Gospel: Jn 12:44-50
Then Jesus cried aloud: “Whoever believes in me believes not in me but in him who sent me. And whoever sees me sees him who sent me (NRSV, Jn 12:44-45).”
Father, even though you are creator and Lord of all, you are not a God who is distant from your people. Through your Word, always living with us, you are intimately present to all of us, sharing your life with us, and even if we reject you by sin and turn away from you, you are still there ever offering us, through the Word, your forgiveness and the opportunity of once again partaking of your life.
Not only are you present at the depth of our being through your Word always spoken, once and for all, to us; not only do you offer us a share in your divine life in every situation; Father, in your Word, now the Lord Jesus Christ, you have become one of us, taking upon yourself a human body and human nature, to share with us everything that we are and do, our joys and our pains, even to pass through death with us.
Father, we are grateful for your great gift to us. May we always be responsive to the challenge of your Word, and, saying “yes” to you through him, always to grow in your divine life.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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