Jun 7: Called to be Light to the World

Philip Melancthon: The Sermon on the Mount
Annotationes Philippi Melanthonis in Evangelia Dominicalia, 16th cent.
Tuesday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time
Gospel: Mt 5:13-16
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven (NRSV, Mt 5:16).”
Father, in every moment, in every place, your Word, always present to us, offers us a share in your life, an ever-increasing share in your life. Transformed as we are by that gift freely accepted, the Word, now made flesh in our Lord Jesus Christ, challenges us to manifest that gift to others and to share it with them. The Word, the true Light of the World, calls us all to be with him beacons of God’s light and life to all of our sisters and brothers.
Father, help us to live so that we not only continually grow in your divine life but that we manifest that life to others so that all of us may be truly one family in you.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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