Jun 2: Growing in Love

Christoph Weigel: Jesus and the Teacher of the Law
Biblia ectypa: Bildnussen auss Heiliger Schrifft Alt und Neuen Testaments, 1695
Thursday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary Time
Gospel: Mk 12:28-34
“And ‘to love God with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the strength,’ and ‘to love one’s neighbor as oneself,’ —this is much more important than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices (NRSV, Mk 12:33).”
Father, the divine life that you offer us at every moment, in every place, through the Word, your Son, now made flesh, is Love, the Love that you and the Word share with one another, the Love that we know also as your Holy Spirit. May we in every situation grow, first, in our understanding of your life which is Love, letting go in every moment of what we have understood up until that moment, understanding that is always partial and limited, grasped from a created perspective crying out to be superseded. But, even mort importantly, may we in every situation, accept that life which is Love, mediated to us through the Word, and grow in it, sharing ever more fully in all that you are, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Father, may your Love, ever more fully understood and lived, fill us and transform us, all of us, sisters and brothers, who share in your one life.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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