Jan 27: To Those Who Have, More Will Be Given

Luca Signorelli: Allegory of Fecundity and Abundance
Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, 1500
Thursday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time
Gospel: Mk 4:21-25
And Jesus said to them, “Pay attention to what you hear; the measure you give will be the measure you get, and still more will be given you (NRSV, Mk 4:24).”
Father in heaven, from all eternity you beget your Son, the Word, giving life to him as he receives it from you. Father and Son, you share that life in love who is the Holy Spirit. From the begetting and receiving of life proceeds love.
Father, through your Word always present to us, you invite us, in the Holy Spirit, to partake of your life. As we accept this gift of a share in your divinity we are caught up in your inner being. Through your Son, now one with us in the body in Jesus, we partake, in the Holy Spirit, of your life and love.
Lord, you are one: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. As you share your one life with us, who are truly your daughters and sons; as we become partakers of your unity in trinity; you challenge us to share that one life among each other.
Beginning here in this world and continuing into the world to come forever and ever, Lord, you call us all, each one individually and all together, to grow in your triune life and love. Every moment brings the possibility of growth beyond previous conception or imagining.
Continual growth in your life is never reward. Nothing that we can do can ever merit an increase in grace. But, as we say “yes” to you in the moment and allow your life to fill us, empowering us to go out to our sisters and brothers in love, your Word is always there challenging us to accept further growth in your life, ever freely given. “To those who have, more will be given.”
Father, you share your one life and love with all of your created daughters and sons who will accept it and allow it to change us. May we ever be responsive to your gift, offered over and over again, always in increased measure, by the fullest commitment to serve one another in love, especially those most in need.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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