Jan 20: Christ our High Priest
Theophanis the Cretan (?):
Christ the King and High Priest
The Church of Protaton, Mount Athos, c. 1542
Thursday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time
Reading I:
Heb 7:25-8:6
Consequently Jesus is able for all time to save those who approach God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them (NRSV, Heb 7:25).
How long it took us, Father, to realize that your only begotten, uncreated Son, the Word, is always present to us. It is through him that we, and everything that is, has been created and it is through him that you send your Holy Spirit upon us to share with us your divine life. This gift of your Spirit is offered to us at every moment in every place as long as we accept it and allow your divine life to transform us. Your Word remains ever present to us even when we reject that presence, even when we turn away from you in sin. Your Word always challenges us to turn back from our sin and to accept the forgiveness which restores divine life, forgiveness which is freely given.
There is no need for us, therefore, Father, to beg forgiveness. We need only accept it. There is never payment due, never obligation incurred. We express gratitude for this great gift not because we owe it to you, Lord, but because we owe it to ourselves that we recognize that we are not source of anything that we are or have but that it all comes from your goodness.
In the history of humanity there have been many efforts on our part to make reparation for our sins and to keep you close to us. We have designated priests to go apart to represent us to you. But all of this was never necessary. Your Word, Father, is with you from eternity and with us from the beginning. Jesus Christ is the visible manifestation within the world, Father, of your one act that creates and saves in every time and place. He is your eternal Word made flesh. In his resurrection we recognize that Jesus the Word is our one true priest in whom you, Father, are always present to us and us to you. Even in our sinfulness you are ever there in your Word offering us your Holy Spirit of forgiveness. Christ is our High Priest.
All of us, Father, who accept your life and who believe in you, share in that one priesthood. We have designated some among us, whom we have ordained to your service, to preside over the community of believers and to lead us in worship and prayer. Father, may we ever rejoice, that we are privileged to live in your presence, sharing your life, and to share that life in turn and to be present to everyone of your daughters and sons here and in the world to come.
Through our High Priest, Christ the Lord. Amen
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