Nov 30: The Call to Discipleship

Duccio di Buoninsegna: The Calling of Peter and Andrew
Feast of Saint Andrew, Apostle
Gospel: Mt 4:18-22
“As he walked by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea--for they were fishermen. And he said to them, ‘Follow me, and I will make you fish for people (NRSV, Mt 4:18-19).’ ”
Father, your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, began his public ministry by calling those disciples who would be close to him, gathering them to join with him in preaching the good news of the kingdom of God. It is these same disciples who, with Mary Magdalene and the holy women, would also be the first to experience him at Easter and sent as apostles to announce his resurrection to the world.
Father, just as Jesus called his disciples, so you call each and every one of us. You call us into existence in our mother’s womb; call us to be human beings sharing your divine life. The call is renewed then at each moment of our existence. We are ever called out of our past, out of ourselves, to grow more fully in your divine life at each moment. That call continues throughout our physical life on earth and then into the world to come. Because your life in which you challenge us to grow is inexhaustible, Lord, your call to us is without end. Your call to us, Lord, is what defines human existence.
Jesus’ disciples left everything they had, even their work, their homes and their families, to follow Jesus. Your call to us all, Lord, is equally demanding. Not many will leave work, home or family, but to accept the challenge of living a life that is at once human and divine means that you, Lord, must be the center and focus of all that we do. Everything must be organized around your very life offered to us, in which we are called to grow further at every moment. Our life’s projects, our deepest loves and relationships, can only have meaning, Lord, as they receive that meaning from you.
Father, as we celebrate today the Feast of St. Andrew, apostle, may we be sensitive to your calling us at every moment of our lives ever to grow in your divine life and may we always respond with Andrew’s enthusiasm as he left all to follow Jesus.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.