Nov 27: Only One Thing Matters

Martin Luther (?): Jesus Teaching his Disciples about the Coming End
Saturday of the Thirty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time
Gospel: Lk 21:34-36
“Be on guard so that your hearts are not weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of this life (NRSV, Lk 21:34a).”
Lord God, when we look within to understand more fully the one message that you speak to all of us, there is no assistance for us better than the preaching of your Son Jesus who said “yes” to you fully, with all of his being. When we seek to do your will, Father, Jesus warns us not to be distracted by idle pleasure or by any of the anxieties of this world. Over and over again, Jesus instructs us that there is only one thing that matters and that is the coming Kingdom. Choose God and his kingdom first and all else will be given to you.
Jesus told the rich young man to sell all that he owned and to give it to the poor. Jesus recognized that the rich young man was ready to give his life to you, Lord God, provided he could also keep his wealth. Jesus said “No,” there was only one reality that mattered. Choose God first and then order the remainder of one’s life, including the use of one’s money and possessions, under that one choice.
Again, there was the disciple who was ready to follow Jesus but . . . first . . . he had to bury his father. Jesus said, “Let the dead bury the dead.” Again, there is only one reality that matters. Always choose you, Lord God, first, then under that choice, and ordered by it, do what is required, bury one’s father, love one’s spouse and children, use one’s wealth and possessions.
For Jesus, and hopefully for us as well, Lord, there is only one path. It is simple and direct. The journey to you, Lord, that Jesus directs us along, is not accomplished first of all by giving up of spouse and family, by abandoning this world, by abstinence and fasting, or by acts of penitence. No, all is accomplished rather by simply accepting the gift of your life, Lord God, into our own and making you the center and focus of everything that we do and everything that we are. All else follows from that according to our circumstances in life.
Having once accepted your reign, Father, and living under it, we shall then bury our parents, love those in our care, use our wealth and possessions wisely and well. Different choices will be made in different circumstances. Some will marry; some will not. Fasting and acts of penance will become not ends in themselves but possible ways of keeping us focused on the one choice, the one reality, that matters, you, Lord God, and your coming Kingdom.
Jesus told his friend Martha, rushing hither and yon preparing the meal for her beloved guest, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing.” In the midst of all of our efforts to live our lives well, help us, Father, to make that one reality, you, our Lord and our God, the center and focus of our lives.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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