Mar 27: The Resurrection of our Lord

Piero della Francesca: The Resurrection of our Lord
Pinocateca Communale, Sansepolcro, 1463-65
Easter Sunday
Reading II: Col 3:1-4
So if you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God (Col 3:1).
Father, as we reflect on the mystery of this most import day on which we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus, it becomes clear that Jesus was not resurrected only after his crucifixion, death and burial. Jesus was truly resurrected throughout his entire human existence. The life and the power which brought him through death was indeed his from the very beginning. That life was a gift from you, Father, to your Son, the Word, from all eternity and that life filled Jesus from the very first moment of his existence. It is because of that life that healing power went out of Jesus to others, that he was indeed the Way, the Truth and the Life.
The life which you have given to the Word from all eternity, Father, you share also with every one of us, if we accept it, even from the womb. It is the life that you give to us in baptism and that we celebrate and share with one another in the Eucharist. Because of our participation in this life, we too are resurrected beings from the beginning. This life and power enables us to face all of life’s difficulties, as Jesus faced them, and to be victorious over them. As healing went out from Jesus to others, it can also be shared by others with our sisters and brothers.
And most of all, death, which so often seems the enemy and our undoing, can be seen as passage, as an hour of glory, summing up everything we have been, and leading us to fuller life, Father, with you.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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