Jan 7: Whoever has the Son has Life

John Bondol: Jesus Healing a Leper
Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague, 1372
Friday after Epiphany
Reading I: 1 Jn 5:5-13
Gospel: Lk 5:12-16
God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life (NRSV, 1 Jn 5:11b-12a).
“Lord, if you choose, you can make me clean.” Then Jesus stretched out his hand, touched him, and said, “I do choose. Be made clean.” Immediately the leprosy left him (NRSV, Lk 5:12b-13).
Father, notwithstanding the clarity of understanding brought about by the resurrection of your Son, the Lord Jesus, the apostles and the community of believers continued over the years to develop their understanding of the one revelation made in Jesus and in him made to all of us at every moment even from the beginning. That understanding still continues to grow today for us as individuals and for the whole Church.
For Luke and Matthew, your kingdom, Father, your absolute reign over all creation in which all that stands against you is overcome, is preached by Jesus as a future event but one near at hand. It can be seen all around bursting into the present in this event or that, particularly in the forgiveness of sins, the healing of the sick and the driving out of demons.
The Johannine writers speak only incidentally of the kingdom of God. For them what is central is your eternal life, Father, that begins here in this world to be brought to fulfillment in the world to come. Eternal life for John is not a reality that is present in a passing way in a healing or exorcism, or even the pardoning of sin. Nor is it a solely future reality as indicated by the manner in which eternal life is spoken of occasionally in the first three gospels. No, eternal life, for John, is an ongoing reality, a participation in your very life, Lord, which you share with all those who believe, all who say “yes” to your Word.
Throughout the synoptic gospels, Jesus frequently indicates to the person healed that their faith has saved them. In the universe of John, it would be the power that comes from your life, Father, freely given to us and then made our own, that brings healing into our lives and overcomes evil. It is this power taken up and made our own that will enable us to pass victoriously through death as Jesus did.
Father, all of us need healing in our lives, for some it is physical healing, for others of us a much deeper, spiritual healing. May you continue to pour out your Spirit upon us all that your eternal life shared with us may bring true healing and draw us, sisters and brothers throughout the world, into closer union with you, our heavenly Father, and with one another.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Where is God now? Don't tell me some crap about how tsunamis are punishing us for our sins. BTW, it isn't '05 yet. your words are as true as your date. come back to reality, stop your superficiality. Listen to the words your saying. Look at the world around you. IT ISN'T THE MEDIEVAL TIMES ANY MORE, STOP ACTING SO DEAD!!!!
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