Dec 14: A Gift and an Invitation Offered Over and Over

Giovanni Battista Tiepolo: John the Baptist Preaching
Memorial of Saint John of the Cross, priest and doctor of the Church
Gospel: Mt 21:28-32
“John came to you in the way of righteousness and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed him; and even after you saw it, you did not change your minds and believe him (NRSV, Mt 21:32). ”
Lord God, your call to us at every moment to grow more fully in your divine life is what defines human existence. We all said “yes” to you at that particular moment in our mother’s womb when first you called us into existence as human beings, sharers in your own life. We said “yes” without language or logic but in the power of the Spirit given to us. Since that first moment there have been times for us when we have resisted the call, repeated at every moment, even said “no” to you, allowing ourselves to surrender to the enticements of the sin of the world, the sum total of all evil and its effects. But, Lord, your Word always remains present to us, nevertheless, calling us to repent, to change our ways and to accept divine forgiveness for the evil that we do. No matter how many times, Lord, that we fall, you are ever ready to pick us up that we may begin anew.
Some have argued that you have a special plan, Lord, for each one of us, a role to play in the universe in a particular way that only we can fulfill. But the universe, Lord, is too complicated for that. We are much too dependent on the free choices of others, which could go this way or that, in determining our temporal situation. And our own actions, sometimes well-intended but foolish, other times sinful, limit the possible earthly path our future may take. No, Lord, we are not a uniquely shaped piece that can only fit its proper location in a pre-determined universe.
Because of human freewill the universe is a dynamic reality ever changing form and direction, going this way and that. But at every moment, wherever we may be on life’s path, as determined by the actions of others and following upon our own choices, good and ill, you are always there, offering us your life, to grow in it or, having rejected it, to accept it once again. That is your one calling to all of us, that whatever the situation may be, that we will say “yes” in a way that is most beneficial for our sisters and brothers . . . and ourselves. Such love, Lord, that in spite of possible rejection after rejection, you always offer forgiveness and a fresh start.
Too many times, Lord, have we ignored signs in the world that should have awakened us to your Word spoken with us. How many John the Baptists have we disregarded or snubbed, how many of your prophets have we persecuted for speaking your truth, and mocked those ready to respond to their preaching and your call. If we have ignored your Word spoken within us, help us, at least, Lord, to begin by hearkening to its presence around us, lived out in the lives of so many of our sisters and brothers. We have said “no” to you too often, Lord. Help us to say “yes,” as we did in our mother’s womb, now to be said again, not merely once, but over and over and over.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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